2019 - 2025
Texas A&M University
Ph.D. Student, Department of Political Science, Bush School of Government & Public Service
2016 - 2018
University of California San Diego
Master of International Affairs, School of Global Policy and Strategy
2011 - 2015
Renmin University of China
Bachelor of law, International Politics
Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Instructor for Issues in World Politics (Undergraduate).
The course focuses on selected issues of importance in contemporary world politics.
Spring 2023
Teaching Assistant for Applied Game Theory (Ph.D.)
For Professor Carlo Horz. The course is designed as a second course in formal theory that allows students to both deepen and broaden their understanding of formal-theoretic concepts acquired in the first
course in the sequence.
Fall 2022
Teaching Assistant for Components of Political Inquiry (Ph.D.)
For Professor Ahmer Tarar. The majority
of the course focuses on game theory, which is the formal study of strategic (i.e., interdependent) decision-making and an important tool for developing theoretical arguments in political science.
Spring 2022
Teaching Assistant for Game Theoretical Methods (Undergraduate)
For Professor Alejandro Medina. The course provides an introduction to game theoretic analysis in political science. The course
focuses on non-cooperative game theory covering normal and extensive form games, games of incomplete information, repeated games, and bargaining.
Fall 2020
Teaching Assistant for Polimetrics (Undergraduate)
For Professor Alicia Cooperman. The course provides an overview of quantitative research methods and discusses their applications in political science, and how to conduct regression analysis in R.
& Expertise
Computer Skills: R, Stata, Python, LaTeX, Qualtrics
Language Skills: Mandarin (native), English (fluent), Japanese (intermediate)